Member Experience

BEACN offers both a wide range of professional opportunities and a warm, inclusive community!

Professional Development

In addition to client-facing project work, during which members accumulate industry knowledge, develop robust presentation, research, and analytical skills, and network with business/organizational leaders, BEACN provides a variety of professional development opportunities that cater to a diversity of career paths and professions.

  • Each semester, BEACN hosts 2-4 internal professional development and skill-building workshops tailored to the needs and interests of its members. Past workshops have helped members refine their résumés, enhance their LinkedIn profiles, develop advanced Excel skills, become familiar with Tableau, and much more.

  • Each semester, BEACN invites seasoned business, sustainability, and other industry leaders for club-wide moderated career panels and networking sessions. These panels focus on a wide range of careers, from consulting and business careers to careers in the public sector, corporate sustainability, tech, and academia. Additionally, members have a chance to network with BEACN alumni during our semesterly Alumni night, when BEACN members and alumni enjoy a dinner in San Francisco.

    BEACN remains a tight-knit community even after graduation—through our network of alumni and former clients, BEACN regularly matches its members with internships and job opportunities.

    BEACN also engages the wider campus community by hosting sustainability-oriented industry panels, career fairs, and speakers.

  • BEACN’s dedicated Vice Presidents of Member Development spearhead a portfolio of internship/job interview and application resources.

    BEACN’s VPs of Member Development lead consulting case preparation groups and workshops, review résumés and guide BEACN members to professional opportunities and connections.

    Additionally, BEACN boasts an extensive library of professional resources, including real past interview questions, sample résumés and cover letters, and a library of consulting case preparation resources.

Social Experience

From the moment you join BEACN, you are welcomed into a vibrant and supportive community. In addition to our professional development, we provide plenty of opportunities for our members to connect outside of their project teams. Whether it’s kayaking with your project team at our semesterly retreat, pretending to study (but really just hanging out) at Moffitt, or trying a new restaurant with your BEACN buds, you’ll make lifelong friends and always be supported by the BEACN family. Even in virtual semesters, we’re preparing opportunities for new members to feel integrated into the BEACN community.

retreat shraddha mairin
Spring 2024 Banquet: SF Yacht Party!
banquet alan mallika
Fall 23 Delibs' Retreat!
retreat palm tree
Bowling Social @ Plank!
alumni night
Spring 24 Graduating Seniors :(
BEACN x EP ETA Social!
Spring 2024 Project Social
“Environmental sustainability is a very broad field and it can be challenging to see where you fit in. BEACN really helped me figure out what specific area I was most passionate about. It also gave me a family of friends who constantly inspired and motivated me, and was the best support system I could’ve asked for at Cal!
— Vineet Nair, '18, Gates Scholar, PhD Candidate in Computational Science & Engineering at MIT
“BEACN began as a place to learn about applied sustainability and turned into a community I consider my family. The project experience, leadership opportunities and network are some of the most valuable takeaways I have from my time as an undergraduate. I can’t recommend joining BEACN enough.”
— Alison Brooks, '24, BEACN Fall 22 - Spring 23 Co-President, Energy Analyst at Brattle Group

What are our BEACN alumni up to now?

BEACN prides itself on preparing on our members for success in a wide range of career paths. Through impactful project experiences and mentorship, our members consistently bring their skills to top industry positions and graduate programs. The best part for us is that for any career that a BEACN member thinking of, there’s almost definitely a BEACN alum who can help!